The Past

The roots of The Otherwise Club go back to the 1990s, with a long-term vision of providing a centre for home educators.
In 1990 a group was formed to enable children who were educated out of school to socialise and learn together. As the children grew older and there were more home educators, this group moved beyond the capacity of a family home, and in February 1993, new premises were found in The Granville Plus Centre, South Kilburn, London.
The club continued to grow, from the early days of twenty families meetings on two days a week, to more than fifty families meeting over four days. We became a Company Limited by Guarantee, and a registered charity in October 1998.
The Otherwise Club has been described as:
"...a prototype of the kind of school that educationalists predict will educate our children in the future." (Evening Standard, Jan 1996)
The Otherwise Club is a company limited by guarantee
Company No:3379478 (England and Wales)
Charity No:1071831
Registered address: 1 Croxley Road, London, W9 3HH
Company No:3379478 (England and Wales)
Charity No:1071831
Registered address: 1 Croxley Road, London, W9 3HH