The Otherwise Club
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2022
Introduction Page 2
The Otherwise Club’s Child Protection Policy Statement Page 3
Child Protection - Keeping Children Safe Page 3
Responding to concerns
Recognition and Response Page 4
Safeguarding – Providing a Safe Environment Page 4
Safeguarding & Child Protection in Specific Circumstances Page 4
Working Together with Parents/Carers Page 5
Adults working with Children Page 5
Key Personnal Page 6
Monitoring and Review Page 6
Brent Training for Volunteers Page 6
Important Contact Information Page 6
The Otherwise Club's has a Child Protection Policy that guides the procedures and practices of people at the club when safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. The Otherwise Club seeks to provide an environment where all children are safe, secure, valued, respected, and listened to while also respecting learning challenges with managed risk.
We understand the term safeguarding to mean that we will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risk of harm to children’s welfare is minimised. We also understand that where we have any concerns about a child’s welfare we will take all appropriate action to address those concerns by working in full partnership with other agencies.
Our Child Protection policy is written with due regard to the national guidance “Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education” published by the Department for Children Schools and Families in January 2007 and will be reviewed each time any subsequent guidance is issued by the Secretary of State.
The Otherwise Club’s procedures for safeguarding children will always be compliant with the London Child Protection Procedures produced by the London Safeguarding Children Board. Those procedures which have been adopted by the Westminster Local Safeguarding Children Board are available from
Our procedures will be followed by all adults, including volunteers, working with or on behalf of the club.
Our Policy was adopted at the Annual General Meeting in July 2015 and is
reviewed annually by the Designated Person for Child Protection.
This policy is available to all parents either in hard copy or from our website:
1.1. All staff and volunteers must be clear about their own role and that of others in providing a caring and safe environment for all children and young people and must know how they should respond to any concerns about an individual child that may arise.
1.2 To this end The Otherwise Club will ensure that all staff, whether permanent or temporary, and volunteers know who has designated overall responsibility for child protection and safeguarding.
1.3 Currently that person is Leslie Barson with Eleanor Stapleton responsible in her absence. For contact details see page 6
2.1 Child Protection - Responding to concerns about individual children
2.1.1 All children at The Otherwise Club must be able to place their trust and confidence in any adult there. They must feel sure that they can speak about any worries or concerns they may have and that they will be listened to, taken seriously and responded to appropriately. Everyone must therefore know what to do if a child chooses to talk to them about any matter which raises child protection concerns.
2.1.2 Everyone must:
2.1.3 The Designated Person for Child Protection will:
2.2 Child Protection – Recognition and Response to Abuse
2.2. Safeguarding – Providing a Safe Environment
2.3 Safeguarding & Child Protection in Specific Circumstances
We will always aim to maintain a safe and calm environment by expecting good behaviour.
We are aware that any physical response from an adult to poor behaviour by a child could lead to a child protection concern being raised by the child or parent/carer.
We understand that bullying is harmful to children. We work to foster an environment where bullying behaviour is known to be unacceptable. We will always take seriously any reports of bullying and respond appropriately.
We understand that bullying make take different forms and may include racist or homophobic behaviour. Any such reported or observed incident will be dealt with in accordance with our anti-bullying policy.
2.3.1. Confidentiality
Information about pupils given to us by the children themselves, their parents or carers, or by other agencies will remain confidential. Relevant information will only a “need to know” basis in order to support the child if that is necessary and appropriate.
We will endeavour to keep any records which relate to child protection work undertaken by us or our partner agencies safe and secure.
2.3.2 Referrals to partner agencies
If we have a reason to be concerned about the welfare of a child we will always seek to discuss this with the child’s parents or carers in the first instance. On occasion, according to the nature of our concern, it may be necessary for us to make an immediate referral to Children’s Services when to do otherwise may put the child at risk of further harm either because of delay, or because of the actions of the parents or carers.
2.4.4. Sharing our Policy
This policy is available to all parents. Volunteers and staff at The Otherwise Club.
All volunteers working are made aware of the club’s child protection procedures.
3.2 Safe Practice
3.2.1 We understand that all adults have a duty to safeguard children and promote their welfare. We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for our children through the relationship we have with them and their parents or carers and will always seek to ensure that all adults behave in a manner that fosters this relationship.
3.2.2. We will ensure that everyone is clear about the expectations we have of their behaviour towards all children and that any incident that falls below our expected standards will be dealt with appropriately.
Designated Child Protection Officer: Leslie Barson
Designated Child Protection Officer in case of complaint made against DCPO: Eleanor Stapleton
Data and Baring Service Checks Officer Leslie Barson
Leslie Barson 07952 616 352
Eleanor Stapleton 0208 884 1368 and 07866 701 442
Our Designated Person for Child Protection will continually monitor our child protection and safeguarding practices and bring to the notice of The Otherwise Club members any weaknesses or changes necessary to the policy.
Brent Council offer free online training to any volunteer in any organisation run in Brent. As a member of The Otherwise Club you qualify for that.
Please go to
and register for the courses.
Important Contact Information:
If you are worried or have concerns that a child that is at risk of harm, neglect or other
abuse call;
Brent Family Front Door
9am – 5pm Monday – Friday 020 8937 4300
Outside these hours : Emergency Duty Team 020 8863 5250
NSPCC HelplinesHelp for adults concerned about a child
Call us on 0808 800 5000
Help for children and young people
Call ChildLine on 0800 1111
This Policy was last reviewed on July 2022
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2022
Introduction Page 2
The Otherwise Club’s Child Protection Policy Statement Page 3
Child Protection - Keeping Children Safe Page 3
Responding to concerns
Recognition and Response Page 4
Safeguarding – Providing a Safe Environment Page 4
Safeguarding & Child Protection in Specific Circumstances Page 4
- Behaviour
- Bullying
Working Together with Parents/Carers Page 5
- Confidentiality
- Referrals to Partner Agencies
- Sharing our Policy
Adults working with Children Page 5
- Safer Recruitment
- Safe Practice
Key Personnal Page 6
Monitoring and Review Page 6
Brent Training for Volunteers Page 6
Important Contact Information Page 6
The Otherwise Club's has a Child Protection Policy that guides the procedures and practices of people at the club when safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. The Otherwise Club seeks to provide an environment where all children are safe, secure, valued, respected, and listened to while also respecting learning challenges with managed risk.
We understand the term safeguarding to mean that we will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risk of harm to children’s welfare is minimised. We also understand that where we have any concerns about a child’s welfare we will take all appropriate action to address those concerns by working in full partnership with other agencies.
Our Child Protection policy is written with due regard to the national guidance “Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education” published by the Department for Children Schools and Families in January 2007 and will be reviewed each time any subsequent guidance is issued by the Secretary of State.
The Otherwise Club’s procedures for safeguarding children will always be compliant with the London Child Protection Procedures produced by the London Safeguarding Children Board. Those procedures which have been adopted by the Westminster Local Safeguarding Children Board are available from
Our procedures will be followed by all adults, including volunteers, working with or on behalf of the club.
Our Policy was adopted at the Annual General Meeting in July 2015 and is
reviewed annually by the Designated Person for Child Protection.
This policy is available to all parents either in hard copy or from our website:
1.1. All staff and volunteers must be clear about their own role and that of others in providing a caring and safe environment for all children and young people and must know how they should respond to any concerns about an individual child that may arise.
1.2 To this end The Otherwise Club will ensure that all staff, whether permanent or temporary, and volunteers know who has designated overall responsibility for child protection and safeguarding.
1.3 Currently that person is Leslie Barson with Eleanor Stapleton responsible in her absence. For contact details see page 6
2.1 Child Protection - Responding to concerns about individual children
2.1.1 All children at The Otherwise Club must be able to place their trust and confidence in any adult there. They must feel sure that they can speak about any worries or concerns they may have and that they will be listened to, taken seriously and responded to appropriately. Everyone must therefore know what to do if a child chooses to talk to them about any matter which raises child protection concerns.
2.1.2 Everyone must:
- Listen to what the child is saying without interruption and without asking leading questions.
- Respect the child’s right to privacy but not promise confidentiality
- Reassure the child that h/she has done the right thing in telling.
- Explain to the child that in order to keep him/her safe from harm the information that has been shared with must be passed on.
- Report what was has been disclosed to the Designated Person
- Record, as soon as is practicable, what was said using the child’s actual words
- Sign and date the record.
2.1.3 The Designated Person for Child Protection will:
- Assess any urgent medical needs of the child.
- Consider whether the child has suffered, or is likely to suffer significant harm.
- Confirm whether any previous concerns have been raised.
- Consider whether the matter should be discussed with the child’s parents or carers or whether to do so may put the child at further risk of harm because of delay or the parent’s possible actions or reactions
- Seek advice if unsure that a child protection referral should be made.
- The Designated Person will either make a referral to the child’s local authority children’s services duty or referral and assessment team or, if a referral is not considered appropriate at that stage, make full written records of the information that they have received detailing the reasons for the judgement that the matter was not referred to the local authority.
2.2 Child Protection – Recognition and Response to Abuse
- We understand that harm means the ill-treatment or impairment of a child’s health and/or development, including that caused as a result of witnessing the ill-treatment of another person.
- We must therefore be alert to any possible indicators that a child is suffering harm and report any concerns to the Designated Person for Child protection.
2.2. Safeguarding – Providing a Safe Environment
- All parents and carers of pupils attending The Otherwise Club must feel secure at the club.. We will do this by:
- Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment
- Ensuring appropriate training in safeguarding and child protection according to their role and responsibilities and keep a record of all training undertaken
- Encouraging the self-esteem and self-assertiveness through our activities so that the children themselves become aware of danger and risk and what is acceptable behaviour and what is not.
- Working in partnership with all other services and agencies involved in the safeguarding of children
- Always following Safer Recruitment procedures when appointing staff or volunteers to work in our school
- Welcoming visitors in a safe and secure manner
- Ensuring that any community groups which use our premises for the provision of services to children have child protection knowledge and understanding evidenced by a policy or are prepared to adopt our own policy.
2.3 Safeguarding & Child Protection in Specific Circumstances
We will always aim to maintain a safe and calm environment by expecting good behaviour.
We are aware that any physical response from an adult to poor behaviour by a child could lead to a child protection concern being raised by the child or parent/carer.
- No one will use force when dealing with a child’s behaviour unless the potential consequences of not physically intervening are sufficiently serious to justify such action
- We will always record any occasion when physical intervention has been necessary
- We will always notify parents or carers of any such incident
We understand that bullying is harmful to children. We work to foster an environment where bullying behaviour is known to be unacceptable. We will always take seriously any reports of bullying and respond appropriately.
We understand that bullying make take different forms and may include racist or homophobic behaviour. Any such reported or observed incident will be dealt with in accordance with our anti-bullying policy.
- Working Together with Parents/Carers
2.3.1. Confidentiality
Information about pupils given to us by the children themselves, their parents or carers, or by other agencies will remain confidential. Relevant information will only a “need to know” basis in order to support the child if that is necessary and appropriate.
We will endeavour to keep any records which relate to child protection work undertaken by us or our partner agencies safe and secure.
2.3.2 Referrals to partner agencies
If we have a reason to be concerned about the welfare of a child we will always seek to discuss this with the child’s parents or carers in the first instance. On occasion, according to the nature of our concern, it may be necessary for us to make an immediate referral to Children’s Services when to do otherwise may put the child at risk of further harm either because of delay, or because of the actions of the parents or carers.
2.4.4. Sharing our Policy
This policy is available to all parents. Volunteers and staff at The Otherwise Club.
All volunteers working are made aware of the club’s child protection procedures.
3.2 Safe Practice
3.2.1 We understand that all adults have a duty to safeguard children and promote their welfare. We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for our children through the relationship we have with them and their parents or carers and will always seek to ensure that all adults behave in a manner that fosters this relationship.
3.2.2. We will ensure that everyone is clear about the expectations we have of their behaviour towards all children and that any incident that falls below our expected standards will be dealt with appropriately.
Designated Child Protection Officer: Leslie Barson
Designated Child Protection Officer in case of complaint made against DCPO: Eleanor Stapleton
Data and Baring Service Checks Officer Leslie Barson
Leslie Barson 07952 616 352
Eleanor Stapleton 0208 884 1368 and 07866 701 442
Our Designated Person for Child Protection will continually monitor our child protection and safeguarding practices and bring to the notice of The Otherwise Club members any weaknesses or changes necessary to the policy.
Brent Council offer free online training to any volunteer in any organisation run in Brent. As a member of The Otherwise Club you qualify for that.
Please go to
and register for the courses.
Important Contact Information:
If you are worried or have concerns that a child that is at risk of harm, neglect or other
abuse call;
Brent Family Front Door
9am – 5pm Monday – Friday 020 8937 4300
Outside these hours : Emergency Duty Team 020 8863 5250
NSPCC HelplinesHelp for adults concerned about a child
Call us on 0808 800 5000
Help for children and young people
Call ChildLine on 0800 1111
This Policy was last reviewed on July 2022